

How to delegate your $OP token

  1. Go to our Agora page (and read our delegate statement). Connect your wallet that holds $OP token with OP Mainnet RPC selected. (if you haven’t already.)
  2. image
  3. Click “Delegate.”
  4. Confirm your delegation to tanegov.eth by clicking “Delegate” button and sign the transaction.

Voting Activities

ProposalOur VoteRationaleType of VoteURLVote Date
Selected Choices

We chose the requests because we believe they are the most critical to achieve the Intent 3A goal: increase the active developers with quality projects/platforms with the allocated fund.

July 17, 2024
Selected Choices

We choose those requests because either technical solutions or research/analysis are critical to increase the votable supply.

July 17, 2024

Supporting the OP chains is one of the important Intents in S6 and we are in full support of achieve the goal with the allocated budget.

July 17, 2024
Selected Choices

It was tough to choose from candidates with great applications. We value the mix of leadership (Ed), specialized skills (Blockdev for ZK, philogy for auditing), and communication/collaboration/high-context knowledge with the Collective (anika, noah and wbnns) and vote for them accordingly.

June 19, 2024

We expected more lower budget increases as discussed in the forum, but appreciate their effort and recognize the need to continue CoCC operation in a continuous way. We will vote against future proposals that only increase budget without consideration of the feedback from delegates, though.

June 19, 2024

With the new intent featuring the Superchain strategy and considering the proper participation from the participating chains is necessary for the appropriate "collective" governance, we believe the amendment and the expansion of it are appropriate.

June 19, 2024

The amendment and clarification make sense and we support continuity of ACC.

June 19, 2024

We have reviewed the specs and the summary of the changes in the call. RIP-7212 change leads to a better UX and we are great to see this and other improvements including the new compression implementation in this upgrade.

June 19, 2024
Selected Choices

We appreciate and support their interest from Anthias Labs that has experiences in supporting the grants and providing tools for risk monitoring , and continuous support from SEED Latam team in the program.

June 16, 2024
Selected Choices

We are impressed about what Juan has provided and achieved in the Collective, its GC and other prominent DAOs including Uniswap and Arbitrum and what Murphy has been providing with Karma and his service to the Optimism GC.

June 16, 2024
Selected Choices

We appreciate all the work and contributions that the Season 5 council Growth Experiments and Builders members and recognize continuous support from them in Season 6. Aside from them, we choose Jrocki, brichis, Sov and ourselves for the new members given the relevancy, expertises and contributions to the Collective so far.

June 16, 2024

While we strongly recommend the council to reconsider the rewards, the intention of the council’s inception should be valued and without a particular structure or proposal that is sustainable to address the CoC related matters, we should keep the council running.

May 29, 2024

Focused fundings on the new Intent to grow the Superchain makes sense strategically. Supporting the chain-specific grants programs is an interesting approach. We fully support the Intents and their budgets and look forward to the impacts that they make.

May 28, 2024

We vote FOR the proposal because it’s essential for the Collective to support a well-established grant system and adjust the rewards based on the increased works and scopes to take on. Organizing a grant system with an appropriate structure is an incredible feat and should be valued. We are excited to see the measurements that the new Grant Council can achieve with updated Intents. OP Chain grants programs are something we particularly look forward.

May 28, 2024
Selected Choices

While we appreciate Ed's additional requirements to be presented, less budget increases with the current scope of work led by Zach makes sense to us.

May 28, 2024

All of the proposed Intents make perfect sense. Excited to see Intent 2 can make impact on the growth of Optimism ecosystem.

May 28, 2024

It’s a minor, but important fix to improve the advanced delegation on Agora.

May 28, 2024

It’s great to see the continuous efforts to improve on the security, integrity and decentralization of the rollup.

May 28, 2024

Introducing the long-waited fault proofs is clearly one of the most important steps that Optimism should take. Considering the comments from Mofi, we vote FOR the proposal and rely on the coordination with the security council and OP Labs for the timing of the deployment.

May 28, 2024

The intension, implementation and audit reports look all good. We support the new addition to the governance system.

April 16, 2024

We assume this proposal was created based on careful considerations by the Grants Council and contributors and it’s generally considered optimal to reallocate unused funds to the needed area

April 16, 2024

We are voting for the proposal because we are in full support of the activation that adopts EIP-4844 blobs to see a drastic reductions in transaction fees and additional changes to the OP stack from the L1 Dencun improvements.

March 6, 2024

We are in support of the proposed specs and implementations. The audit results are good to proceed without small fixes. While we think this change doesn't have to be passed with the Ecotone change, we vote for the proposal.

March 6, 2024
Selected Choices

Voted for all requests except for 3B (We'd wait for the impact made by WLTA), 3C (Not quite clear what it can achieve with a huge budget), 3D (Abstain as a dYdX delegate), 3M (Not quite sure if it's worth a mission request)

February 14, 2024
Selected Choices

All mission requests have potentials that make impact per token spent.

February 14, 2024

The intention to the main changes is reasonable. The specs look good. Other two changes (a fix on a potential issue during an upgrade and token creation related changes) look also good (though the third change seems unrelated to the main changes.)

February 14, 2024
Selected Choices

Voted for all requests except for 2K (we’d see if ETHCC one succeeds), 2C (better with Foundation support) and 2I (Agreed with Krzysztof on focusing on phase 1 with less budget)

February 14, 2024
Selected Choices

All of those development related requests are promising to make impact depending on applications.

February 14, 2024

Now that the CoC exists in Optimism Collective, it makes sense to rely on it to properly manage the issues around grant misusage with the process clearly ratified.

January 24, 2024

“Span Batches” to be introduced with this upgrade reduces the L1 costs for OP chains, which is nothing but great for the Optimism ecosystem.

January 24, 2024

While we agree with the points that prominent delegates who voted abstain, we believe the motivation and the selection of the members are solid and meaningful for Optimism, thus we vote for the ratification of the council members selected by the Foundation.

December 5, 2023

No objection to include well-tested and less critical changes to the protocol into the Optimism stacks. Side note: great summary of the upgrade in the forum, but the proposal description can better incorporate it with organized structure.

December 5, 2023
Top Choices

MMhurthy for his experiences in building Karma, Raho for his contributions to the Arbitrum STIP, and Curia for their continuous contributions to the protocols

November 15, 2023
Top Choices

Chose Jack Anorak and Gonna.eth for their technical capabilities and Kaereste for their involvement as L2BEAT

November 15, 2023
Top Choices

Chose those three for their activities and contributions in the forum

November 15, 2023
Top Choices

Chose 3 members for their experience in Optimism governance and 2 members for their expertises to be effective to resolve conflicts based on CoC

November 14, 2023

This is a critical step to structure rules for chains using OP Stack to be aligned and grow together as an alliance

November 14, 2023

It’s good for the Collective to be responsible for the budgets and spends on all Intents going forward in the coming Seasons. The budgets seem reasonable and we are looking forward to the outcome made by the initiatives supported by them.

November 14, 2023

While many unclear points are not being discussed (e.g. how to select a chain and how much tokens to delegate, etc), this is important for the Optimism family to grow based on shared vision and aligned incentives

November 14, 2023