

How to delegate your ARB

  1. Go to our Tally’s page.
  2. image
  3. Click “Delegate” and connect your wallet that holds your ARB token with an Arbitrum One Mainnet RPC selected.
  4. Click “Delegate votes” and sign the transaction.

Voting Activities

ProposalOur VoteRationaleType of VoteURLVote Date

We maintain the decision on Snapshot and continue to express the support for the program. We are looking forward to the outcome generated by the team and contributors!


As DisruptionJoe described, this can work in collaboration with the Firestarters program in the form of a Questbook grant program that requires a domain allocator elected by the DAO to manage the fund. We would like plurality in this kind of problem areas and look forward to seeing more quality proposals on critical issues/problems created by the programs.

Ranked Choices

As described in our feedback to the original proposal, we had concerns on the approval process and criteria but Entropy team provided the updated proposal, which is reasonable to us, and since we see the Optimism Collective has applied this system in a slightly different form and it works to some extent, we believe it's worth trying it at least as a trial. We also understand that the current form works as expected (a few proposals are rejected on Snapshot as temp-checks), and only improving predicability is already a reasonable improvement for the governance.

July 17, 2024

We voted for the option, "8 weeks and $2.5M fund" and maintain the stance for the onchain proposal. It's critical for the DAO to allocate the fund for the smaller projects with security considered. We also appreciate the ADPC team for accommodating the feedback from the delegates and pushing through the proposal to get started.

July 17, 2024

We believe the program is a great step to experiment the treasury diversification and trust the committee’s recommendations of the providers. We are also curious about the reporting mechanism and how the DAO can continuously review how the investments work.

July 10, 2024
Weighted Choices

We vote to select the members below based on their contributions, and the fact that they have deep knowledge and context about the DAO.

June 26, 2024

We simply believe it crams all the conceptual ideas into one proposal with a high operational cost without track record or clear and foreseeable deliverables to be proven to the stakeholders in Arbitrum, while understanding the reasoning behind all of them into one. We also believe what to aim to achieve is valid and broken-down initiatives can be considered worth a try. We’d look forward to continuous bets from the team.

June 20, 2024

We also suggest that separating the research work with limited scopes and budgets first from the whole R&D proposal is a great first step for the further considerations within the DAO to achieve what this proposal originally aimed to do. As Joseph seemingly has already agreed with the general direction, we appreciate all the effort so far from the OD team and look forward to the revised proposal in the near future.

June 17, 2024

It makes sense to subsidize the first operator running the BoLD validator and cover the operation costs by the DAO. Although the DAO will need a more sustainable model to attract operators running BoLD, we support the fund as it stands.

June 12, 2024

It makes sense to support the Foundation to bootstrap the first BoLD validator as the trusted and honest party. It’s also great to confirm that the Foundation will equip themselves with a team of operators running a node with help from Offchain Labs.

June 12, 2024

BoLD unlocks permissionless validations for the Arbitrum chains, which a great step and technological feat provided by Offchain Labs. While we need to review the economical incentive that is also sustainable for a more diversified set of operators to join in the future, we are in 100% support of the proposal and implementation of it as it stands.

June 12, 2024

We appreciate the AVI team’s effort and approach to address feedback from the delegates. While we still believe potential overlap would be found through the course and as DAO, we need to evaluate if this initiative should be prioritized and funded in a big scale, the budget ask is reasonable enough for a capable and passionate team to start the pilot phase to explore the opportunities.

June 11, 2024
Weighted Choices

We chose Stakehouse because their extensive experience and track record stand out quite a bit. We believe the higher fee is justified with the outcomes that they should be able to bring. We also chose Avantgarde because of their expertise and their balanced fee structure. We believe both entities should be able to offer great services as the first Arbitrum STEP Program Manager.

June 11, 2024

We maintained the vote from Snapshot as we believe increasing the threshold to 9/12 is the vital first step to improve the system to achieve the revised Stage1 designation.

June 9, 2024

We maintained our Snapshot vote to fund 500k ARB each as we are generally supportive of the initiative and consider it important for the Arbitrum DAO to contribute to the cause.

June 9, 2024

We appreciate all the effort by the contributors for the past 6 months and believe in the needs to focus more on building strong ecosystem in the gaming category. There are obviously a few concerns that were already discussed in the thread and the X Space held today, but we are confident that the appointed GCP council, GCP team and Foundation incorporate feedback from the DAO and advisors and appropriately oversee the progress of the initiative.

June 7, 2024

RIP-7212 has been well-supported by the community and other L2 will certainly introduce it on their chains. This enables more secure smart wallets to be easily utilized on the L2 environments, which is a clear win for the better UX.

June 6, 2024

Stylus is an ambitious, yet reasonable innovation that Offchain Labs has developed to make Arbitrum even more attractive to Rust and C++ developers. We’d hope that the technology will be integrated into other L2 chains so that the smart contract composability will remain as we have on the EVM platforms.

June 6, 2024

We consider it rather a fix to apply the change and simplify the fee related operations for the DAO.

June 6, 2024

We also believe the ADPC can handle the operations and the governance minimization matters especially in the Arbitrum DAO. If the ADPC didn’t account for the operations, we’d consider an additional small funding can be an option.

June 6, 2024

We vote FOR the proposal while we recognize controversial perspectives around this one-off incentives request, but as it can be considered as a great opportunity for the Arbitrum ecosystem to grow, we would like to approve this funding as we voted for the Curve proposal. We also appreciate all the efforts to address the feedback from the delegates and modify the proposal to the ideal state of it under the DAO’s framework (LTIPP). Our concern is around how the protocol can retain users after the incentives program end. Eventually, we should see how it turns out, but we are particularly looking forward to their committed developments for the Arbitrum native products and ongoing treatments to achieve the success of their multi-chain strategy.

May 30, 2024

We appreciate and value the work the LTIPP council has done, and continuous effort the council will put in for the DAO. We also like the challenge process done in the STIP bridge process, but not necessarily a dealbreaker for the proposal to be passed or not.

May 29, 2024
Ranked Choices

We vote FOR the proposal at its Snapshot phase with the additional report included as the first selection. As described, this change will clearly increase the efficiency of the similar operations for the various initiatives. We would also like to see the election and term systems to be included in the Tally voting as suggested by other delegates. We don’t necessarily mind 1 year term, but it would be good to see staggered signer terms (e.g. 6 people cycles in 6 months.)

May 27, 2024
Described in page

Described in the page

May 27, 2024

We vote FOR the proposal on Tally as the same reason provided in the Snapshot voting. We also understand that the deliverables that the team focuses on are as described, and our requested information will be delivered afterwards.

May 26, 2024

We vote FOR the proposal on Tally because it’s very well-considered and positive to both of Arbitrum and Curve ecosystems as a whole. Additional commitments from Michael is great as well.

May 26, 2024

We vote FOR the proposal on Tally because we believe it’s important to provide a non-developer friendly UI to force transaction inclusions possibly regardless of sequencer being down or not for less trust assumptions.

May 26, 2024

We appreciate all the work the working group has produced and consider it rational to extend the research with a reasonable budget assigned to the passionate operator.

May 14, 2024

Same as the off-chain one

May 12, 2024

it’s clearly addressed the feedback on the Subsidy Fund proposal, the selection of the firm, DeDaub is solid (Excellent works with recognized projects), and the cost seems reasonable.

May 8, 2024

GovHack in ETHDenver was a success in terms of connecting the delegates, contributors and core team members (Foundation and OCL) to have a opportunity to gather and discuss important topics in the Arbitrum DAO. We enjoyed the event as a whole and fully support the succeeding one in Brussels.

May 1, 2024

We generally agree with GFX Labs’ take on the process of having the applications immediately after the official application period. While there are some good ones, we believe they should have waited for the next round of the grant program (either the next LTIPP or a permanent program) to be ready. Only Curve one is an exception as it’s not marked as an LTIPP application and huge commitment promised by the Curve founder with a well-crafted application.

May 1, 2024

The proposal has been updated with additional commitments from the LTIPP advisors and promised program manager role as well as the data and audit reports by OBL for us to evaluate the results by the STIP and optimistically approve the additional fundings.

May 1, 2024
Weighted Choices

While we vote for this option to signal the support for the overall initiative, we expect it to be revised by incorporating feedback

April 25, 2024
Weighted Choices

We generally support the initiative while the exact amount for the Arbitrum DAO to offer can be discussed more before the on-chain voting

April 24, 2024

We consider this proposal as a good experiment to enhance the powers that retail users have with the leverage powered by the product aligned with the Arbitrum vision.

April 23, 2024
Weighted Choices

Chose candidates for 1) Arbitrum codebase expert (fred) 2) security expert (Certora) 3) Arbitrum ecosystem expert (bartek.eth from L2BEAT) based on background diversity, technical capabilities and geographical diversity. 4k for bartek, 4k for Certora, and other 5k+ for fred.

April 16, 2024

We vote FOR the continuation of the program and the updated compensations for DA and PM as we did at its temp check voting. We have also confirmed that Questbook team suggest annual re-elections of the members which was a concern at the Snapshot phase and appropriately addressed in the forum.

April 16, 2024
Described in page

Because of clear guidance provided by the council, we vote for most of the protocols besides some exceptions described in the the page.

April 14, 2024 → April 15, 2024

We’d like to express full support of the initiative that covers a list of necessary improvements to be done for the better DAO operations by all parties and we are looking forward to seeing a great DAO tooling product thrive with the growth of the Arbitrum DAO.

April 12, 2024

We recognize the contributions by the early contributors and consider the rewards reasonable as a one-off.

April 12, 2024

Great step to experiment treasury diversifications with a group of experienced service providers to lead the program

April 6, 2024

We vote against it because we believe it's simply too rushed and more analysis is required for the experiment to be funded further.

March 29, 2024
Described in page

Voted for Jordan from Event Horizon as other prominent candidates are already qualified for the next round

March 29, 2024

We appreciate the effort that PL has put in and agree with the lessons that they will address with the renewed budget and structure.

March 26, 2024

The proposal covers a list of necessary improvements to be done for the better DAO operations by all parties and we are looking forward to seeing a great DAO tooling product thrive with the growth of the Arbitrum DAO.

March 24, 2024

While the budget appears huge, the Arbitrum DAO needs to catch up with other L2 to make it home for the gaming projects and the initiative is much needed for the purpose.

March 22, 2024

We believe it’s important to provide a non-developer friendly UI to force transaction inclusions and WakeUp team should be able to provide this with reasonable compensations.

March 17, 2024

We support the continuation of the program and the updated compensations for DA and PM. We also echo others who mentioned that the renewal of the DAs should be discussed and up for election in the future.

March 15, 2024
Ranked Choices

We are voting in favor of “Set L1 Surplus Fee and L2 Minimum Base Fee” because we believe DAO should prioritize UX over revenue at this moment.

March 11, 2024
Weighted Choices

40% each on Trail of Bits and OpenZeppelin, renowned security experts and 20% on Halborn who has started being involved in Arbitrum DAO with their great track record.

March 11, 2024
Selected Choices

We are in favor of electing Chaos Labs because their track record related to risk assessment is great and the only candidate.

March 10, 2024
Weighted Choices

100% on L2BEAT/Ant Federation because what L2BEAT has done to Arbitrum and the ecosystem is amazing and a great candidate working with Ant Federation.

March 10, 2024
Weighted Choices

100% on Blockworks/Delphi because members who are more dedicated to Arbitrum DAO are involved while The Block is a prominent candidate for the Research Member

March 10, 2024

We appreciate the effort by Offchain Labs to support EIP-4844 swiftly for the upcoming mainnet release and are confident these improvements make positive impact on the Arbitrum ecosystem.

February 23, 2024

The motivation and implementations are reasonable and we believe this change leads to a better election process of the Security Council members.

February 23, 2024

As stated in our snapshot voting, we believe the pilot program has been improved with new actors and considerable thoughts and effort so that it will make impact to the growth of the Arbitrum ecosystem.

February 16, 2024

We appreciate all the work put by Arbiters during the launch of Arbitrum, but are against their retro rewards because 1) they have already received some compensations from the Foundation. 2) there were no key measurements or criteria set for the rewards when it comes to managing the Discord community. It should have been clearly discussed beforehand with the Foundation or whoever manages the Discord or local communities.

February 11, 2024

Both changes make sense and the code is simple with unit tests and audit by ToB.

February 11, 2024

This should be evaluated based on a specific framework and by a group of members who are experienced in gaming and its grant system.

February 11, 2024

Great step to experiment treasury diversifications with a group of experienced service providers to lead the program

February 7, 2024

The motivation and implementations are reasonable and we believe this change leads to a better election process of the Security Council members.

February 4, 2024

It’s favorable to form a committee to be specialized in procurement for the DAO and we have a great selection of members working on this initiative.

February 3, 2024
Weighted Choices

Voted 40% for Joseph as he should lead the committee, voted 30% each for Jeff and Bernard to support him with ample experiences that they have

January 29, 2024
Described in page

To achieve the revised Stage1 designation, we believe increasing the threshold to 9/12 is the vital first step to improve the council

January 24, 2024

We believe this is the essential first step to rewards active delegates and continuous commitments from existing and new dedicated participants to the DAO. We appreciate the careful considerations and clearly outlined evaluation process.

January 22, 2024

We are in support of the initiative to go forward after the diligent considerations and amendments made to improve the original proposal. It's great to see a democratic process to choose the service providers to address issues that have been discussed for a while.

January 22, 2024
Top Choices

Chose 3 candidates. Clarified the reasonings in the description.

January 21, 2024
Top Choices

Clarified in

January 21, 2024
Ranked Choices

An improved version of the STIP and we believe it's worth trying it as a pilot

January 9, 2024

No reason to oppose to continuous updates to the Arbitrum stack

January 5, 2024

The idea of having an organization like this is appealing but the details, structure and framework need to be further discussed and reach to consensus before deciding to fund it

November 10, 2023

No reason to be against the idea of the consolidation

November 10, 2023

DAO shouldn’t reward contributors without the information about who they are, what each of them has done and how they are selected and others are not.

October 31, 2023
Top Choices

The most important expertise required for a security council member is the deep knowledge with the protocol tech stacks and Harry, CTO of Offchain Labs is undoubtedly the best candidate.

October 13, 2023

While GMX is a leading protocol to thrive in Arbitrum, we abstain because we are an Endorsed Delegate of dYdX which is the direct competitor of GMX from users’ perspective.

October 12, 2023

Pendle is bringing interest derivative market into DeFi and evolving the ecosystem with unique offerings. The requested grant size is reasonable and set out to be used efficiently.

October 12, 2023

We’ve seen their founders active in the NYC crypto meetups and spoken highly of Arbitrum in terms of experiences on the platform. The reasonable requested grant size. We believe the incentive is to be used to promote more interesting use within the ecosystem.

October 12, 2023

unshETH is very unique and natively supported on Arbitrum. It’s good to contribute to decentralization of liquid staking tokens. The requested grant size is reasonable.

October 12, 2023

On top of the raised concerns around dominance of stETH in Ethereum, the justifications of the grant size seems weak and off as stETH related trading volume is already huge. We would like Lido to propose their request in another way, address concerns and focus on properly introducing the native stETH in Arbitrum.

October 12, 2023

Tally’s mission is to advance on-chain governance further and it’s aligned very well with L2 like Arbitrum because of its lower gas. The requested grant size is reasonable and we believe that the Tally team is diligently allocating them to the DAOs on Arbitrum, which would make impact on Arbitrum with the great governance tool.

October 12, 2023

While Vertex is an interesting protocol to thrive in Arbitrum, we abstain because we are an Endorsed Delegate of dYdX which is the direct competitor of Vertex from users’ perspective.

October 12, 2023

While we believe the security is paramountly important in the self-custody environment and what Webacy has been doing is clearly beneficial to the whole ecosystem, there are a couple of reasons that the proposal is not fit for STIP grant distributions: 1) the justification of the requested grant size is weak compared to the outcome. 2) incentives are prone to sybil attacks 3) not clear incentives to Arbitrum itself

October 12, 2023

Camelot kicked off this STIP movement, and diligently tried to get aligned with what it can do for Arbitrum throughout the process. Definitely beneficial for Arbitrum to have Camelot thrive as one of the household names.

October 12, 2023